FBI reportedly investigating the judge who sentenced Meek Mill to prison

Last week, rapper Meek Mill was sentenced to at least two years in prison in Philadelphia for violating probation after being arrested two times earlier in the year. The charges in both cases were dropped, but the judge decided that being arrested at all violated Meek Mill’s probation—which comes from a drug and weapons charge from 2009. The two year-sentence prompted an outcry from the public, partly because both the district attorney and Meek Mill’s probation officer had requested that he not get any jail time, and now Page Six says that the FBI has launched an investigation into the judge that may stem from a possible conspiracy of some sort.

Apparently, Meek Mill’s attorney says that Judge Genece Brinkley displayed “enormous bias” against the rapper and repeatedly asked him to drop his current management and sign with Philadelphia-based manager Charlie Mack instead. Supposedly, Mack knew the judge, and a source told Page Six that the FBI is “looking into a possible extortionate demand” and that “undercover agents” were in the courtroom monitoring Meek Mill’s court appearances. None of this has been confirmed, of course, and Mack denies knowing the judge at all.

Page Six says Meek Mill is currently in solitary confinement.

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