Game Of Thrones-themed ice hotel in Finland lets you enjoy a Westeros-style winter

If you’re someone who watched this past season of Game Of Thrones and saw Jon Snow lead his hardy band of warriors into the North, witnessed the ice on their beards, the arctic temperatures, and thought to yourself, “Mmm, looks cozy,” have we got a treat for you.

The Associated Press reports a new Game Of Thrones-themed ice hotel has opened in Kittila, Finland, a brisk 93-mile trip north of the Arctic Circle. Actually, it’s a popular tourist destination, and the HBO show was chosen to be the theme for this year’s Snow Village, an “annual ice-and-snow construction project covering 20,000 square meters,” primarily consisting of massive sculptures and other architecture inspired by the adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s tale. If that sounds like something that makes you want to book tickets instead of shuddering and thinking, “Dear god, that would be cold,” then Lapland Hotels is pretty happy it got HBO Nordic to go along with this plan.

In addition to all the sculptures and artwork, the ice hotel has a fully functioning bar and wedding chapel, should you and your significant other be overcome by the desire to consummate your relationship after glimpsing the sight of the Night’s King carved in frozen water. You can see some images of the temporary Snow Village in the New York Daily News’ coverage of the story, though it’s a bit tough to appreciate the skill demonstrated in the sculptures from pictures of people standing in front of walls that could just as easily be plaster of paris, for all we can discern the difference.

Just a quick safety tip if you do decide to go: The hotel suggests guests only stay for one night due to the dangerous below-zero temperatures. It’s open until April, so if an evening of fantasy and frostbite still appeals, reservations are available.

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