George Clooney gave his best friends $1 million, but he seems to have forgotten us

Everybody already loves George Clooney, because he’s handsome and charming and did a very good job playing Batman (no matter what any jerks say), but it turns out that he’s actually a very generous friend with a penchant for giving fantastic gifts. That’s according to Rande Gerber, Cindy Crawford’s husband and a member of Clooney’s exclusive friend group “The Boys,” who told MSNBC’s Headliners (via The Wrap) that the actor—the talented and brilliant actor—once invited “The Boys” over to his house for dinner in 2013 and presented all 14 of them with a black luggage back full of $1 million.

Clooney then gave a speech about how some of “The Boys” had been through “hard times,” and so he wanted to make sure that they didn’t have to worry about putting their kids through school or paying their mortgage. Gerber said he tried to turn down the gift, but Clooney said that if one of them didn’t take it then none of them could take it, so Gerber accepted the bag of money and donated it to charity. “This is who George is,” Gerber adds.

Sadly, the downside here is that Clooney seems to have forgotten about the global friend group called humanity. Oh sure, this group might not be as exclusive as Clooney’s “Boys,” but some of us are kind-hearted mothers, overworked students, or lovable writers for pop culture websites, and we could all definitely use $1 million. We’re certainly not begging, because a kind humanitarian like George Clooney shouldn’t just throw his hard-earned money at everyone who asks, but maybe he could pick one person at random (wink) and grant them an honorary membership into “The Boys”—along with all of the monetary benefits that such a membership would entail.

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