George Takei adds new entry to decades-long feud with "cantankerous old man" William Shatner

George Takei addresses Star Trek co-star William Shatner's latest remarks on their feud in a new interview

George Takei adds new entry to decades-long feud with
George Takei; William Shatner Photo: Emma McIntyre; Alberto E. Rodriguez

George Takei and William Shatner’s deep mutual loathing must rank as one of the longest-running showbiz feuds of the current era. The latest chapter of their back-and-forth occurs, amusingly, in the pages of the British papers. Shatner recently told The Times that his Star Trek co-star has “never stopped blackening my name.” Now, Takei has responded by, well, blackening Shatner’s name a bit more.

Asked by The Guardian if there was genuine camaraderie amongst the OG Star Trek cast, Takei passionately replies, “Yes. Yes. YES. … Except for one, who was a prima donna.” He claims that “none” of the cast got along with their on-screen captain. (Shatner admits his friendship with Leonard Nimoy ended in estrangement before the latter’s death.)

Referencing the recent Times piece, Takei says, “I know he came to London to promote his book and talked about me wanting publicity by using his name. So I decided I don’t need his name to get publicity. I have much more substantial subject matter that I want to get publicity for, so I’m not going to refer to Bill in this interview at all.” Realizing he’s fighting a losing battle, the actor adds: “Although I just did. He’s just a cantankerous old man and I’m going to leave him to his devices. I’m not going to play his game.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Takei has warm things to say about co-stars Nimoy, Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, and James Doohan. He also shares some profound recollections from his family’s time in a Japanese internment camp, which informed his current work in the musical Allegiance, which will soon open in London.

The 86-year-old has plenty to talk about outside his old feud, but he couldn’t help but get in one more jab at Shatner: “He was self-involved. He enjoyed being the center of attention. He wanted everyone to kowtow to him.” Add these latest remarks to the record!

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