Get a taste of Atlanta Robbin Season in 1st season 2 trailer

Get a taste of Atlanta Robbin Season in 1st season 2 trailer

Even after winning a Golden Globe for his hilarious yet stirring comedy, Atlanta, Donald Glover wasn’t looking to play it safe. As he recently told TV critics, he wasn’t so much interested in continuing the stories of the first season so much as the overall tone of the show. So he announced a change in title—Atlanta Robbin Season—and a Tiny Toons-inspired format, which is the only time we haven’t immediately rejected the notion of the “10-hour movie” or whatever it is that producers call their TV shows these days. But while he and his brother Stephen Glover clarified the title’s meaning, they didn’t give a real sense of where the second season might go. This first trailer, via Uproxx Hip-Hop, doesn’t reveal much either, but it does have Sonder’s “Too Fast” playing in the background.

Atlanta Robbin Season premieres March 1 on FX.

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