Great job, Internet!: A button for any occasion

We sit in front of our computers most of the day, connected to our friends and co-workers by the series of pipes, strings, and nimbostratus zackets called the Internet. Many times per day, things flash before our eyes—videos, photos, songs, sites—that are funny or strange enough to warrant sharing with other people. We salute them with a hearty "Great job, Internet!"

The Internet is littered with single-serving sites providing a simple sound-effect button, just waiting to be deployed by bored cubicle-dwellers in response to a lame joke, a corny joke, or someone hurting himself in a humorous manner. But it can be tough to decide in the heat of the moment which hilarious audio response is appropriate for the given situation… never mind the time spent recalling and pounding the URL frantically onto your keyboard. By the time that Sad Trombone wah-wah-waaaahs its way out of your speakers, the moment’s gone.

Enter Instants!, yet another single-serving site devoted to sound-effect buttons… a whole shitload of ’em. Fifty-six to be exact, each linked to shiny, multi-colored buttons just waiting for your cursor’s sweet caress. Never again will you flounder trying to call up the Benny Hill theme, the CSI “Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!,” or even a good old-fashioned Wilhelm Scream. You can even mix and match, activating humorous sound-effect hybrids to delight and annoy your coworkers. They’ll never know what hit ’em.

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