Happy New Year from The A.V. Club

Well, we did it. New Year’s Eve. We end 2017 in as many ways as we started it: Some are preparing to ring in 2018 surrounded by beloved family and friends, while others are girding themselves for another New Year’s Eve alone. Some of us are at work, hoping to make rent off of drunken NYE revelers, while others are worried about how they’re going to pay the rent come January 1. No matter what you’re doing or what’s on your mind tonight, though, we want you to know that you are a valued member of the A.V. Club community (well, most of you—trolls, find another hobby in 2018), and we look forward to taking on whatever insanity the next 365 calendar days have in store with you, our beloved readers. Happy 2018, all.

We’ll be back on Tuesday with our regularly scheduled A.V. Club programming. Until then, might we suggest some binge watching, or a look back at 2017 in music, TV, film, news, games, comics, and the gossamer strands of the world wide web that holds this whole crazy contraption together?

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