Harvey Weinstein's high-powered legal team is ditching out fast

Two days after issuing a statement in which she called him an “old dinosaur learning new ways,” high-profile women’s rights lawyer Lisa Bloom has stepped down from her role as an adviser to Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Bloom made the terse announcement via Twitter today, simply stating, “I have resigned as an adviser to Harvey Weinstein.
My understanding is that Mr. Weinstein and his board are moving toward an agreement.”

Bloom—the daughter of lawyer Gloria Allred—made a name for herself in part with her representation of women who accused ousted Fox News star Bill O’Reilly of many of the same kinds of acts of harassment and assault that are now being levied against Weinstein. Her hiring by the Hollywood mogul—which followed on the heels of a deal between the two of them to turn one of Bloom’s books into a TV miniseries—was seen by some as an attempt to preemptively mollify Weinstein’s critics, ahead of a New York Times piece alleging decades worth of inappropriate behavior on the producer’s part. (Not to mention the other stories of assault and harassment that have come out in the NYT piece’s wake).

The news of Bloom’s departure comes shortly after Weinstein announced he was taking an indefinite leave of absence from the Weinstein Co., which has seen several members of its board resign this week over the accusations. Meanwhile, Deadline reports that another member of Weinstein’s legal team, Lanny Davis—who assisted Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the ’90s—has now also resigned from Weinstein’s employ.

[via Variety]

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