Here's compelling evidence the dinosaur escape of Jurassic World was an inside job

Here's compelling evidence the dinosaur escape of Jurassic World was an inside job

Its critical reputation may not improve any with the passing of time, but the fact remains that Jurassic World is a pretty entertaining movie, especially on the big screen, where a fight between a T-Rex and a genetically enhanced super-dino (sorry, “Indominus Rex”) belongs. Dumb as hell, yes, but entertaining. From the I-respect-you look that passes between Chris Pratt’s dino trainer and a velociraptor (right before the latter gets blown up by a damn grenade launcher) to the justly derided running-in-high-heels choice, numerous aspects of the film scream, “We didn’t necessarily think this through all the way, but check it out—look at that big-ass water dinosaur! Awesome, right?”

Still, movies should be addressed on their own terms, which means Jurassic World want us to take its plot seriously. In other words, no throwing your hands in the air and saying, “Whatever, it’s a movie, it doesn’t have to make sense.” And taking the plot at face value is just what YouTuber Matthew Patrick, a.k.a. The Film Theorists, has done in a new video that posits the entire narrative of Jurassic World is the result of an inside job, someone inside the park putting lives at risk for the sake of personal gain. By the end of the nearly 12-minute video, he’s made a compelling case that none of the events that transpire could’ve happened without a person at the park setting it all in motion.

His pitch is simple: Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong) is the not-so-secret villain behind the escape of the Indominus Rex, a scheming scientist who read the tea leaves of the financial situation behind his career and decided to create a state of affairs that would force the field test of the velociraptors’ military potential, just as the meddling InGen corporation wanted. A few lines of dialogue and a closer look at the science behind the I-Rex’s ability to lower its body temperature and blend into its surroundings are enough to paint a fairly convincing image of some malevolent plot machinations that were never directly called out by the film, but look clear enough with hindsight.

However, he doesn’t call out the film’s biggest implausibility: That the park would contain an attraction that allowed people to go rolling around in giant plastic hamster balls not bound to any singular track, as though that wasn’t an insurance nightmare waiting to happen.

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