Hey man, grab your boys because it’s time for a Guys Day

Whether you’re escaping the daily grind of Enterprise Rent-A-Car corporate culture or just taking a break from the incessant existence of your wife and kids, quality time with the boys is crucial. That’s the thesis statement of “Guys Day,” a new short film from comedians Conner O’Malley and Carmen Christopher which features a day in the life of two assholes you probably went to high school with as they get totally “screwed up” in Atlantic City.

The 16-minute short features all the things dudes love to do when they hang out, like quote lines from classic movies (Rush Hour and Varsity Blues), eat a bunch of different meats at a breakfast buffet, and drink vodka mixed with Sprite underneath a pier. The middle section of the film, in which O’Malley and Christopher hold court on the boardwalk, contains such quotable lines as, “Can I tell you one thing, though? That movie Bob’s Burgers could happen,” and “Is there a 4/20-friendly Quiznos around here?”

But it’s not all fun and games. Like in their previous “Cubs fans” videos and O’Malley’s previous series mocking the Alt Right, these characters are incredibly fragile and are nearly undone by their own toxic masculinity. But, hey, that’s just what hanging with the boys is all about. That and getting screwed up!

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