Hillary Clinton's working on a political thriller that sounds an awful lot like our reality

Hillary Clinton's working on a political thriller that sounds an awful lot like our reality
Photo: Drew Angerer

On Tuesday, Axios reported that Hillary Clinton is teaming up with Still Life author Louise Penny to write an international political thriller novel, titled State Of Terror. The novel will be out in October and both Simon & Schuster and St. Martin’s Press acquired the rights to the book.

The reality of Trump’s presidency was an utterly horrifying state of terror that will continue to haunt us for years to come, so how can Clinton’s fictional version of U.S. politics be somehow more terrifying than reality?

Here’s the synopsis given by Axios:

A novice Secretary of State joins the administration of her rival, a president inaugurated after four years of American leadership that shrank from the world stage. A series of terrorist attacks throws the global order into disarray, and the Secretary is tasked with assembling a team to unravel the deadly conspiracy, a scheme carefully designed to take advantage of an American government dangerously out of touch and out of power in the places where it counts the most.

Oh, so it’s the same as our actual nightmare. Got it.

In a statement given in the press release, Clinton wrote about her collaboration with her friend: “Writing a thriller with Louise is a dream come true. I’ve relished every one of her books and characters as well as her friendship. Now we’re joining our experiences to explore the complex world of high stakes diplomacy and treachery. All is not as it first appears.” Hey, at least they’re not writing a novel about a pandemic.

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