In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Samantha Bee offers men some advice—and a warning

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Samantha Bee offers men some advice—and a warning

Having only one show a week to take swings at the worst people in America usually means that Samantha Bee’s punches land with the accumulated force of a weekend spent seething at the latest asshole’s assholery. Seeing as how the news that movie mogul and grotesque old school Hollywood stereotype Harvey Weinstein was revealed to be (at least) a serial sexual harasser broke between episodes, Bee came out landing brutal, decidedly un-Canadian-like body blows right to Weinstein’s porridge-esque midsection on Wednesday’s Full Frontal. Noting that the longtime producer and noted bully has been revealed to have engaged in any number of gross and grossly inappropriate sexual behaviors toward numerous actresses and other women in the industry over the decades, Bee worked out her disgust in a tightly written assault against “fetid swamp crotch” Weinstein and his “gross little pee-pee.” Bee reserved special scorn for his self-excusing “apology-like statement” where bloated grope-monster Weinstein blamed certain unspecified behaviors on having grown up in the 1960s and 70s. Because, as we all know, no one before 1980 understood that abusing your position of power in the workplace to pressure women to stare at your junk while you masturbate into a potted plant was anything but a-okay.

Still, Bee being Bee, the host wasn’t content with just beating the metaphorical crap out of this one creep. (A creep that’s already lost his wife, job, and, one hopes, the ability to walk in public without people chucking garbage at him, as Bee announced, to her audience’s rousing applause.) As those morality-loving conservatives at Fox News and elsewhere predictably seized upon the fact that Weinstein is a big Democratic Party donor to hop up on their highest horses, Bee shut that shit down as well. You know, since the Republican standard-bearer in the White House is a notorious, self-confessed serial sexual abuser himself, with a long string of women who’ve accused him of things commensurate to Weinstein’s reprehensible, gag-inducing reign of terror. Still, fair is fair, and Bee is nothing but fair in her outrage, agreeing that, like the seriously de-throned Weinstein, impeaching another rich old sex criminal whose “when you’re famous they let you do it” presidential motto was played on a loop outside the White House last week is clearly the right thing to do.

Switching gears, Bee addressed her viewers directly, letting them know that, as a powerful media mogul herself, she finds it surprisingly easy not to masturbate in front of her employees. She went on to issue the warning to her male viewers (especially those in Hollywood) that, since she does only work one day a week, she’s got lots of time to be the first phone call for women in the entertainment industry who have stories of workplace sexual harassment, coercion, and assault to get their stories out. “This is 2017,” Bee announced, “and we don’t have to put up with this shit.” Samantha Bee certainly isn’t, either from sexual predators, or those who would play hypocritical politics with them.

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