The Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny trailer plays the hits with a de-aged Harrison Ford

What 80-year-old archeologist doesn’t want to run across the top of a speeding train?

The Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny trailer plays the hits with a de-aged Harrison Ford
“Harrison Ford” as Indiana Jones Photo: Lucasfilm

At the ripe age of 80, the eternally grumpy Harrison Ford, upon premiering the trailer for the fifth Indiana Jones movie in September, that his time wearing fedoras and digging for treasure is over. “I will not fall down for you again,” he said. ” Fair enough. Ford’s physical state was a concern on the set of every nearly legacy sequel he appeared in, having sustained injuries on Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the upcoming Indiana Jones. Well, all those injuries were in the name of making sure these franchises do not go gentle into that good night for, like Han Solo, Indiana Jones still has dials to turn.

And that dial is, get this, The Dial Of Destiny. Sporting a title that’s somehow worse than Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull and a trailer that’s somehow better, the Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny (yes, that’s the title) trailer is a lot to take in. Gone are the goofy chipmunks and Mutt Williams’ Tarzan swing, and in its stead comes a de-aged Harrison Ford playing some Indiana Jones hits. Ford’s stunt doubles and digital surrogates run atop trains, zoom around camels on Middle Eastern streets, and punch Nazis square in the face. What more can people ask for?

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | Official Trailer

However, the CGI-laden trailer makes no bones about Dial Of Destiny tossing out the practical wonder of Raiders Of The Lost Ark. This is a new, 80-year-old Indiana Jones, meaning we’re doomed to endless drab green screen stages that gave Obi-Wan Kenobi its muted grey palette. Nothing spells adventure like overcast.

When he’s not playing with its effects, and director James Mangold shines an actual light on an actual object, it’s easy to see the allure of this thing. For all the de-aging wizardry that led to that quick shot of Indy in Nazi custody, the moments when the character is in silhouette sell the film best. Although, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t appreciate seeing Toby Jones walk the top of that train. At least one thing’s for sure, John Rhys Davies’ Sallah is back, and who doesn’t love that?

Indiana Jones And [sigh] The Dial Of Destiny swings into theaters on June 30.

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