InFamous: Second Son hides glimmers of new ideas amid its pretty visuals

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Today on only the second ever Digital Digest, Derrick Sanskrit joins me from New York to talk about InFamous: Second Son. (Derrick also reviewed Second Son last month.) We tried to look past the game’s prevailing “look at the pretty PlayStation 4 graphics!” mentality to glean a few promising ideas in the game’s design and script.

A note on the video quality: I tried a different recording setup with this month’s Internet-aided conversation in the hopes of improving the appearance, and as you can see, my tinkering had the opposite effect. (It worked beautifully when I was testing it, of course.) I apologize for the glacial frame rate that afflicts much of the video, although I ended up sort of loving the way it fits in with our cyberspace vibe. But don’t worry, I’ll go back to the old way next time.

Continuing this week’s Nut Butter Slapdown, today’s digestible is Cinnamon Raisin Swirl from Peanut Butter & Co. We ate it straight out of the jar, although we considered spreading it on warm cinnamon raisin toast for double comfort-food trouble. Derrick thinks that would be disgusting; I think it would be disgusting but also secretly delicious. What I’m saying is, somebody please try that, and let us know how it tastes once your insulin levels stabilize.

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