Introducing The A.V. Club's new, virtual Hollywood Book Club

Introducing The A.V. Club's new, virtual Hollywood Book Club
Jessica Simpson poses with her book in February. Photo: Amy Sussman

It’s kind of hard to watch, read, or really dive into anything too serious right now. The world’s serious enough already. Maybe that’s why everyone’s playing Animal Crossing and letting themselves be swept away by the majestic glory of Joe Exotic’s tight, tight jeans.

We also long for connection with others while we’re sequestered away into our little houses, something that has sparked Netflix viewing parties, Zoom karaoke rooms, and awful Bon Jovi sing-alongs.

Here at The A.V. Club, we’re trying to do what we can to help others—and ourselves—stay afloat in this hard time. That’s why we’re launching what we like to call our Hollywood Book Club. Every month or so, we’ll throw you, the readers, a poll to pick our next trashy book. Once the decision is made, you’ll have two weeks to read, listen, or CliffsNotes whatever the selection is before we all come together on a nighttime video chat for a little virtual book club. We’ll have a couple staffers there to chat, but will hopefully also be joined by various luminaries from the world of television, film, and comedy. (Schedules and shit-talking permitted.)

The choices we pick from will probably skew toward the salacious. After all, tell-alls tend to be quicker reads than dry, college textbooks. That being said, if there’s something you’ve been dying to read and chat about, drop a suggestion in the comments, or send it to us on Twitter. We’re happy to consider reader submissions.

But first! The poll for the first Hollywood Book Club pick. This time around, we’ll be choosing from recent—and not so recent—autobiographies penned by some of film and music’s most notorious talents. Cast your vote below, look for the winner on our site and on our socials in a couple of days, and stay safe out there folks.

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