Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are just crazy about private email accounts

Thousands of people at Trump rallies cheered at the idea of sending Hillary Clinton to prison for no reason other than her use of a private email server, but for whatever reason, Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner seem to be under the impression that it’s totally alright for them to do whatever they want with their emails—and also with everything in general, but this is specifically about emails. In September, we reported that Kushner had been using his own private email server to conduct some official White House business, and though Ivanka Trump also had an account on the same server, she was apparently careful enough not to do any of her dad’s presidential business on it.

Now, a new Politico report has revealed that the two of them actually had a third email account, suggesting that the two of them are just wild about doing the exact same thing that Hillary Clinton basically lost the election over. This new address had previously gone unreported, and Politico says that it was shared with Kushner and Trump’s “personal household staff” to manage “family scheduling.” A lot of the emails sent to the account have come from Ivanka Trump’s assistant, and they included “work-related ‘data’” including “nonpublic travel documents, internal schedules, and some official White House materials.”

Spokespeople for Kushner and Trump have suggested that they complied with White House communications rules by only using White House email accounts to conduct government business, but the fact that this third private email existed and occasionally received messages directly related to White House business seems a little questionable. The House Oversight and Government Reform committees apparently agree, as chairman Trey Gowdy has reportedly sent letters to the White House asking for more information on Trump’s staff using private email addresses.

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