Jamie Lee Curtis is out here talking some energetic trash about Doctor Strange

The Everything Everywhere All At Once star is pulling no punches online about "multi verse wannabes"

Jamie Lee Curtis is out here talking some energetic trash about Doctor Strange
Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All At Once Photo: A24

Jamie Lee Curtis is probably pretty far past the “worrying about what studios think of her” phase of her career; one of the perks, presumably, of being a living Hollywood legend. Which is part of what makes it very funny to see Curtis—currently starring in multiverse-spanning adventure Everything Everywhere All At Once—decide to go off on social media today, taking a swing at that other big multiverse movie that’s in theaters this weekend.

That’s right: Jamie Lee has set her sights on Doctor Strange, having made multiple posts on Instagram today that highlighted mediocre reviews of the Marvel sequel, pointed out its similarities to Daniels critically well-received movie, and reminded audiences that they could spend their time with “a dynamite dildo fight scene as well as a very erotic hotdog hand mating dance” instead of Benedict Cumberbatch frowning while doing complicated hand gestures.

On the one hand, this is really just basic marketing stuff: Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is sucking up huge amounts of both box office money and theater real estate this week under the motive power of the full Disney PR machine, so it makes sense for Curtis to try to draft a little power for her own movie off of the wave. On the other hand, the sheer “gives no fucks” of it all is frankly kind of charming, with Curtis calling out “other multi verse wannabe” movies and hashtagging her posts “#guessiwillneverbecastinamarvelmovie” like some kind of cinematic wrestling heel. As with any social media, it’s hard to tell how much genuine negative feeling Curtis—never afraid to vent her thoughts—is actually expressing here, and how much is just good old fashioned trash talk, but it’s definitely an eye-catching tactic.

Everything Everywhere All At Once has done remarkably well for itself over the last two months, managing to stay stable at the box office—a rarity for a high-concept sci-fi film like this. The film stars Michelle Yeoh as a housewife who finds herself jumping between different lives as part of an effort to stop a multiverse-spanning threat. It also, in Curtis-speak, “COST LESS than the ENTIRE craft service budget on Doctor Strange and/or any other Marvel movie. COMPETITIVE? Fuck YES. I wasn’t head cheerleader in high school for nothing.” So there’s that, too.

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