Jay Leno gets injured by a motor vehicle (again), and his show may be in trouble (again)

After two injuries involving motor vehicles, it may be the end of the road for Jay Leno's Garage

Jay Leno gets injured by a motor vehicle (again), and his show may be in trouble (again)
Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez

In November, Jay Leno was injured when his car erupted in flames, burning the side of his face. Now, it seems that his bad luck with motor vehicles is continuing, as the late-night host revealed he was clothes-lined while riding his motorcycle, leaving him with broken bones.

In an interview published yesterday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Leno offers specifics on his latest injury. Specifically, on January 17, “I got knocked off my motorcycle. So I’ve got a broken collarbone. I’ve got two broken ribs. I’ve got two cracked kneecaps.” While riding the bike that he had been repairing, Leno says he smelled gas, and, recalling how a different one of his vehicles basically exploded two months earlier, decided it would be best to stop.

“So I turned down a side street and cut through a parking lot, and unbeknownst to me, some guy had a wire strung across the parking lot but with no flag hanging from it,” Leno continues. “So, you know, I didn’t see it until it was too late. It just clothesline[d] me and, boom, knocked me off the bike. … The bike kept going, and you know how that works out.”

Fortunately, Leno seems to have a pretty good sense of humor about the (admittedly pretty funny) situation. “You know, after getting burned up, you get that one for free,” he quips. “After that, you’re Harrison Ford, crashing airplanes. You just want to keep your head down.”

In other less-than-stellar news for Leno, The Hollywood Reporter reported yesterday that his primetime reality show, Jay Leno’s Garage, “appears to be ending,” according to an unnamed source at CNBC. Details about the decision are scant, with THR noting that the network seems focused on airing reruns of Shark Tank during its primetime block. Given Leno’s recent luck, a break from the garage feels warranted—but, of course, he could always come back.

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