Jerry Seinfeld relents, admits that a Seinfeld TV revival is "possible"

Jerry Seinfeld relents, admits that a Seinfeld TV revival is "possible"

Bowing to the pressure of Hollywood’s most relentless journalistic interrogator—Ellen host (and unconfirmed Deep State operative) Ellen DeGeneres—comedian Jerry Seinfeld has acknowledged that a potential revival of his landmark ’90s sitcom Seinfeld is “possible.” “Anything is possible,” Seinfeld admitted after DeGeneres prodded him about the subject during a recent talk show appearance, bowing both to the infinite complexities of the unknowable future, and also his own strong desire for people to stop fucking asking him about this particular topic.

Seinfeld has been adamant in the past about the fact that a formal reunion between Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer is probably never happening; he noted in an interview back in 2016 that he’d been asked by an unnamed party to stage live a reunion special for the show a few years back, and flatly turned it down. It’s not clear if the current TV revival climate—which DeGeneres nodded to in her lead-up, noting the planned returns of both Roseanne and Murphy Brown, among others—has softened his stance, or if he just didn’t want to yell at his friend Ellen for asking him about it in front of an audience of perfectly nice people.

Meanwhile, anyone who’s desperate for a less equivocal return to Jerry’s old apartment can always dip back and check out the fake Seinfeld reunion from Curb Your Enthusiasm a few years back, which everyone involved had presumably hoped would settle this conversation for good. Or, hey, you could just go watch the actual Seinfeld, which is streaming in its entirety on Hulu; we’ve heard it’s pretty good.

[via E! Online]

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