Johnny Depp is now suing his lawyer

Johnny Depp and his former managers have been taking part in a brutal legal feud recently, with Depp accusing them of ripping him off by quietly taking some of his money and the management firm defending itself by saying it was paying out money that he had authorized. Now, Depp’s review of his finances has continued with him apparently realizing that his lawyer has also allegedly been skimming off some of his money, even as he was supposed to be representing Depp in his attempt to stop the management firm from doing the same thing. According to Deadline, Depp has hit attorney Jacob Bloom with a lawsuit over $30 million that he says was taken “improperly in fees and self-dealing” related to Depp’s issues with his former management group—which happens to be called The Management Group.

The suit says that Bloom and his firm “engaged in misconduct for their own financial benefit and violated some of the most basic tenets of the attorney-client relationship,” all of which caused Johnny Depp “substantial economic harm.” As Deadline interprets it, though, the basic gist is that Depp is saying “you worked with TMG to screw me and I’m taking you on along with them now.”

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