Jon Stewart's pocket Constitution doesn't have an answer for Katie Britt

On an all-new Daily Show, Jon Stewart confronts the hater within

Jon Stewart's pocket Constitution doesn't have an answer for Katie Britt
Jon Stewart
Photo: Comedy Central

One of the downsides of only getting one Jon Stewart a week is that whatever he’s covering has already left the news cycle by the time he gets to the story. And who could possibly keep up with it all? As a culture, we’re already mired in conspiracy theories regarding the mysterious whereabouts of the Princess of Wales and whatever the hell is going on at Boeing, so many might’ve forgotten that Dark Brandon presided over the State of the Union on Thursday. Not only that, he didn’t exactly resemble the glitching sundowning candidate that many, including Stewart, described him. Tonight, Stewart confronted the hater within and faced himself as a man who, not more than a month ago, attacked Biden on the same grounds.

Jon Stewart Calls BS on Trump & the GOP’s Performative Patriotism | The Daily Show

But it wasn’t just about Biden. Undoubtedly, readers remember the viral rebuttal from algorithmically-generated trad wife and Alabama Senator Katie Britt. While many have already had their meme-time fun with Britt’s bizarre video, Stewart found new angles, like her cheerful phrase “steeped in the blood of patriots.” Moreover, Stewart called it another “entry in the Republican mythology that they are the inheritors of the American Revolutionary tradition, that they somehow are more American-y than non-Republican Americans.”

This latest Daily Show gives the people what they want: Jon Stewart yelling about tri-corner hats and Constitution-themed buses. On a more grim note, by the time Stewart got around to Trump’s lawyer’s assertion that “the president has a legal license to murder his American rivals,” things took a darker turn. Pulling out his pocket-sized Constitution, he could not find where the founding fathers included a section on “assassinating political rivals.” Stewart wasn’t through with the hilarious Trumpisms in this episode. He sifted through the presumptive Republican nominee’s desire to jail journalists (don’t worry, Trump squeezed in a prison rape gag, too), shoot protestors, and play dictator for a day. It was a funny show.

So how does all this happen? Well, later in the show, Stewart interviewed Steven Levitsky, the writer of Tyranny Of Minority, about how to fix our dying democracy. In his estimation, it’s the Electoral College’s fault. Thanks a lot, Founding Fathers.

Steven Levitsky – “Tyranny of the Minority” and Improving Our Democracy | The Daily Show

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