Keanu Reeves gets restraining order against alleged stalker who left DNA kit at his house

The alleged stalker has apparently insisted that he and Reeves are related

Keanu Reeves gets restraining order against alleged stalker who left DNA kit at his house
Keanu Reeves Photo: Steve Jennings

Keanu Reeves has apparently been dealing with an alleged stalker since November, with Los Angeles Superior Court granting him a temporary restraining order against an unidentified 38-year-old man (apparently a “transient stranger with no permanent address”). That comes from The Hollywood Reporter, which says the man has “allegedly stalked, harassed, and trespassed on the actor’s property” and made “repeated uninvited appearances to Reeves’ home.” The man has also allegedly been responsible for “an ongoing course of alarming and harassing/threatening conduct.” The petition for the restraining order, which was reportedly recommended by the LAPD to Reeves, also noted that Reeves has “suffered substantial distress since the stalking and harassment began.”

The Hollywood Reporter story says that this all started late last year when the man allegedly tried to get into Reeves’ home one night, and then he returned the next day with what the story says was a “suspicious and alarming backpack” that contained a DNA test kit and a note that insisted that the man and Reeves are related—with the DNA kit apparently there in hopes of being able to prove it. The man has reportedly returned a few times since then, including one instance where he allegedly scaled a fence to get to Reeves’ home, with the LAPD claiming that the man has made at least six “unwanted appearances” within the last few months.

THR says the man and Reeves have had no prior legal interactions, though the man does have an existing criminal record with a history of breaking and entering. Apparently he has also written a number of Facebook posts in the last six months or so that the restraining order petition said were “incoherent,” including one where he referred to himself with “Reeves” as his last name (the THR story doesn’t say whether or not it is the person’s real name).

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