Kinja, continued: An update on some recent improvements  

Hey, A.V. Club readers. We’re a little less than a month into our Kinja existence, and as we promised in our previous update, our development team has been working diligently to address some of the myriad kinks that arose from that transformation. We wanted to give you an update on some of the things that they’ve recently made progress on:

Story types are now visible on every article.
One of the chief complaints we heard after the move was that it was difficult to tell what was a longer feature or review and what was a Newswire, etc. when looking at the home page. So we’ve added the story type atop every article, right above the headline.

Reviews now have letter grades visible from the home page.
In addition to helping further distinguish them as reviews (and because we know some of you choose to read reviews based on their grade), all reviews now have their letter grades displayed right there in the thumbnail images.

The Reviews page is now sorted and grouped by type of review.
Speaking of reviews, the Reviews landing page now groups everything by whether it’s a Movie, Music, Book, Games, Comics Review etc., with the most recently updated category of reviews appearing at the top. You can also use “Show All” or the dropdown menu at the top to go directly to their respective landing pages.

The TV Reviews page is now sorted and grouped by individual show.
Similarly, the TV Reviews page now has the reviews for current regularly covered series grouped by show, with the most recently updated show appearing at the top. You can also use the dropdown menu at the top to go straight to a specific show. And while we’re on the subject…

The “type-ahead” feature is back in the TV Reviews search bar.
Once again, you can just type one letter or a few into that dropdown menu at the top to filter results and skip ahead to the specific show you’re looking for.

All your old Disqus comments have finished migrating.
As of today, the migration team tells us that all Disqus comments have been fully ported over, meaning that—ideally—you shouldn’t be getting any more notifications for comments that were posted years ago. (And hopefully our own notification badges will no longer be infinity symbols.)

While we’re on the subject, if you have an A.V. Club legacy account and you still haven’t connected it to Kinja, the instructions for doing that are here. And if you have any further commenting-related issues, contact the Kinja support team.

We know there is still work to be done to smooth out various other things, but we wanted to let you know that the above fixes have already been implemented, and that there are other improvements still to come. In the meantime, if you have any further suggestions for how we can better organize stuff, or you’ve spotted something that’s broken, you can still use this feedback form to bring them to the attention of the dedicated people (the real, human people) who are working on them. We owe a debt of gratitude to that tech team for continuing to improve our site.

And again, we thank you for your patience during this period of transition, and for being part of The A.V. Club.

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