Marc Maron is dropping Glow spoilers, but Alison Brie won’t

Alison Brie is staying mostly mum on Glow's unfinished final season, but Marc Maron has spoiled a major plot point

Marc Maron is dropping Glow spoilers, but Alison Brie won’t
Alison Brie and Marc Maron Photo: David Livingston

Many still mourn the untimely cancellation of Glow on Netflix, cutting the show off at the knees before it could commence with its planned finale. Nowadays a cancellation like that is all too common, but at the time it stung deeply, particularly for those involved. Star Alison Brie has referred to it as “the great heartbreak of my career,” but she’s still kept the fourth season’s secrets under lock and key, unlike some co-stars she could name. (It’s Marc Maron.)

During a Q&A moderated by The A.V. Club, Brie was asked about what the final season of Glow would have looked like. “Well, I’ll tell you that my husband was recently on Marc Maron’s podcast, and Maron was like, ‘Me and your wife were gonna hook up in the final season you know. We were gonna get together.’ And I was like, ‘Are we telling people that we were gonna get together…?’” She said. “I mean, unofficially, I do think that Sam and Ruth were gonna have some kind of hookup.”

Though Maron may be dropping spoilers, Brie is still reluctant to reveal too much. “It’s hard for me to speculate because I actually know everything that was gonna happen. Before we started shooting the fourth season, our showrunners told me the whole story for the season. And we were already going into it thinking it was our final season, and I was in tears by the end of their season-long synopsis,” she explained. “And I don’t know why I feel nervous sharing it, like, the show is dead. She’s dead! And I have heard no rumors about people rallying behind that to bring it back. But for some reason I’m like, should I just tell you everything?”

Here’s what she was willing to dish: “I do think there was a spin-off network… How did season three end? We were at the airport. I’m like, ‘Okay, it opens on Ruth,’” she teased. “I think that Ruth was gonna go back to her hometown for a little while as if she was gonna maybe quit wrestling, and then get sucked back in, the [usual]. I’ll neither confirm nor deny that that’s the plot of the first episode that we shot that no one will ever see.”

“And then later in the season I think Maron and I were gonna have sex,” she added, before joking: “And we were gonna do it for real. That’s it, the interview’s over, soooo…”

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