Martin Freeman would like to add Star Wars to his big list of blockbuster movie franchises

Martin Freeman would like to add Star Wars to his big list of blockbuster movie franchises

Between The Hobbit films, and his current role in Black Panther (and the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole), Martin Freeman’s got this whole “major film franchise” thing down on lock. Still, that’s no reason for a well-liked British actor to rest on his getting-turned-into-an-action-figure laurels; hence, presumably, his answer when an interviewer for JOE asked him whether he had any interest in adding Star Wars to his résumé: A very clear, “Well, of course. Of course, I’d be.” (To be fair, this is the modern actor version of the old Ghostbusters maxim, “When someone asks you if you’re a god, you say yes!”)

Interestingly, Freeman—who was sitting next to his old pal Andy Serkis, a Star Wars alum himself—noted that his absence from the space opera series is not for lacking on his own part. “I had a chat with the folks a few years ago…There are other British actors that they prefer to me,” he noted, deadpan. Freeman was pretty clearly joking about Serkis with that last bit, but it’s still interesting to speculate about what possible role he might have filled in the recent Star Wars canon. (Looking at you, Domhnall Gleeson.)

[via ScreenRant]

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