Mike Myers to appear in Bohemian Rhapsody, which is pretty funny

Mike Myers to appear in Bohemian Rhapsody, which is pretty funny

Just after dropping out of the Del Close biopic when the movie lost its funding, Mike Myers has lined up another gig in a different biopic. According to Deadline, he’s “negotiating” for a role in Bohemian Rhapsody, Bryan Singer’s movie about Freddie Mercury and Queen. We don’t know who Myers will be playing, but that’s kind of irrelevant here as the real important part of this story is that the guy from Wayne’s World might actually be in a movie about Queen called Bohemian Rhapsody. Maybe he’ll be playing himself, and he’ll appear in a dream sequence where he teaches Freddie Mercury—played by Rami Malek—about the impact he’ll make on rock music.

“You know that new TV show Saturday Night Live?” He’ll say in Mercury’s vision, “Someday they’ll make a movie based on a sketch called Wayne’s World, and there’ll be a scene where a bunch of guys jam out to your song!”

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