Nintendo shares its vision of cephalopod civil war with new Splatoon trailer

Nintendo shares its vision of cephalopod civil war with new Splatoon trailer

One of Nintendo’s big surprises at this year’s E3 trade show was Splatoon, its colorful, imaginative take on the third-person shooter. Instead of covering city streets and warehouses with the blood of your bullet-riddled enemies, Splatoon has teams competing for turf by splattering its maps with ink of their squad’s color. Also, your character can turn into a squid and swim through your team’s ink. Nintendo showed off the multiplayer portion of the game earlier this year (and I loved what I played of it), but during yesterday’s Nintendo Direct livestream, it debuted footage of the game’s previously unannounced single-player mode.

Apparently, Splatoon will visit one theater of war that has somehow escaped the eye of video games up to this point: the violent, inky conflict between squids and octopuses. In this case, it’s squids who are also humans with ink guns battling for turf against sentient, googly-eyed octopus tentacles that ride a variety of high-tech vehicles—or as Nintendo President Satoru Iwata put it, “nature’s epic battle for supremacy.”

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