Not even Carole Baskin can stop the arrival of Netflix's Tiger King 2

A Tampa judge denied her request for a restraining order hours after filing it

Not even Carole Baskin can stop the arrival of Netflix's Tiger King 2
Carole Baskins in the trailer for Tiger King 2 Screenshot: Netflix/Youtube

Two weeks away from the arrival of Netflix’s follow-up to the Tiger King, Big Cat Rescue CEO Carole Baskin and her husband Howard Baskin have been denied their request for a temporary restraining order due to the use of “unauthorized” footage in Tiger King 2.

The Baskins filed the complaint on Monday, and it only took a few hours for the judge to dismiss the case against Netflix and series directors Rebecca Chaiklin and Eric Goode of Royal Good Productions.

“While the Court understands the Baskins’ frustration, it does not appear that inclusion of Defendants’ footage of the Baskins will cause any immediate harm that cannot be compensated with monetary damages,” said Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on Monday.

“Importantly, the Court merely finds that the Baskins are not entitled to the extraordinary remedy of a temporary restraining order, which would be entered before Defendants have had an adequate opportunity to respond,” the judge continued.

In the trailer for Tiger King 2, the producers use previously recorded footage of Baskin and once again implicate her in the death of her first husband, Don Lewis—a topic heavily discussed in the initial docuseries. Both Carole and Howard Baskin filed the complaint against Netflix, saying the streamer has no right to utilize the footage initially recorded for Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness under the deal signed in back in 2016.

The complaint filed Monday states “understanding that the Appearance Releases limited Royal Goode Productions’ use of the footage of the Baskins and Big Cat Rescue to the single, initial documentary motion picture, the Baskins believed that any sequel—though odious—would not include any of their footage.”

When it comes to next moves, the Baskins have been referred to another judge concerning an injunction as the Tampa-based judge took no position on the subject.

“To the extent it seeks a preliminary injunction, the Motion is referred to the Honorable Thomas G. Wilson, United States Magistrate Judge …for an evidentiary hearing and the issuance of a Report and Recommendation,” Hernandez Covington wrote.

As of right now, Tiger King 2 is set to arrive on Netflix on November 17.

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