Out Of The Furnace

Like a combination of The Fighter and Flashdance, here is the trailer for Out Of The Furnace, a film from Crazy Heart’s Scott Cooper that combines those movies’ respective milieus of Pennsylvania steel town workers, brotherly love, and desperate boxing matches, and keeps Christian Bale around as its maniac. As the tough guy with the neck tattoo of gold, Bale takes care of both his terminally ill dad and his recently returned Iraq vet brother, played by Casey Affleck. And when the latter gets himself mixed up in an underground fight club run by a menacing, totally not chill Woody Harrelson, Bale is forced to even the score in a way that this trailer completely spells out, so maybe don’t watch it if you’re at all interested in preserving some semblance of freshness. If you skip it, however, you will be missing out on one of the manliest two-and-half-minutes ever assembled for a movie preview, a procession of rough-housin’, beer-drinkin’, bare-knuckled brawlin’, gun-wieldin’, flannel shirt and sleeveless tee wearin’—all scored to a Pearl Jam song, the sound of a man's emotions.

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