People keep hiding secret messages in their Trump resignation letters

Never let it be said that Donald Trump doesn’t inspire people to new artistic endeavors. Today, another member of an executive branch department—in this case, State Department science envoy Dan Kammen—decided to get creative with his resignation letter from the administration, hiding the word “IMPEACH,” acrostic style, in the first letter of each paragraph.

This isn’t the first time someone’s gotten their Fun Puzzles For Kids on with letters ending their relationship with the Trump White House; last week, actor Kal Penn wrote that he (and 15 other members) were leaving their posts on the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. The first letters of Penn’s paragraphs spelled out the word “RESIST.”

We have to assume this trend will only escalate as the departures continue; keep an eye out for secret messages hidden with classic substitution ciphers (or maybe one of those code wheels that you had to use to play old PC adventure games), as the urge to sneak hidden messages of defiance into public documents continues to build.

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