Pete Davidson got a pretty kick-ass Hillary Clinton tattoo

Pete Davidson got a pretty kick-ass Hillary Clinton tattoo

Politics can be a place of ephemeral loyalties, as candidates and ideologies flow in and out of the public zeitgeist on a daily basis. Sometimes, though, someone somewhere has to put their foot down and make something permanent, for once; someone like Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson, and his cool new Hillary Clinton tattoo.

Davidson—a staunch and long-time Clinton supporter—debuted his new ink on Instagram earlier today. Courtesy of New York’s No Idols Tattoo NYC—who were very polite when we called them earlier today to confirm that this wasn’t some sort of surreal joke on Davidson’s part—the tattoo appears to depict a First Lady-era Hilary, specifically from her famous 1995 speech about how “human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.”

For her part, Clinton’s official Instagram account expressed its appreciation for the gesture, even getting in a fun little joke of its own, writing, “Thanks, @petedavidson. This makes it significantly less awkward that I’ve had a Pete Davidson tattoo for years. But seriously, I’m honored. Merry Christmas my friend.”

[via People]

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