Raise a glass to the Satellite Of Love in a Cocktail Guide To The Galaxy exclusive

The link between geek culture and drinking culture was established well before the pub quiz of the same name, and Brooklyn’s The Way Station, a.k.a. “The Doctor Who bar,” may be its ultimate expression. Aside from the TARDIS-shaped bathroom, the bar offers a rotating menu of themed cocktails named after owner Andy Heidel’s favorite sci-fi, horror, and action (but mostly sci-fi) movies and TV shows.

Now Heidel’s combined those cocktails in a new book, The Cocktail Guide To The Galaxy, which is out now. The book contains recipes both tongue-in-cheek (the Futurama-themed “Bender’s Bender” calls for simply “one bottle of bourbon and one box of cigars”) and earnest, alongside bartending tips and expressions of pop-culture love from Heidel, his employees, and Way Station bar regulars.

We asked Heidel to pick a recipe from the book to share with you, our booze-loving readers, and, naturally he went with a Mystery Science Theater 3000-themed drink. Called the “Satellite Of Love,” it’s a fruity shooter combining orange vodka, Chambord raspberry liqueur, and various citrus juices to lubricate movie-riffing sessions. ‘Bots not included.

Satellite of Love

In the not-too-distant past

Last Sunday A.D.

There was a guy named Anders

Not too different from you or me

He worked as a bartender every day

Just pushing cocktails, to pay his way

He did his job well with a gleeful face

But his bosses didn’t like him so they fired him from that place!

1 part Stoli Ohranj vodka

½ part Shambord

½ part pineapple juice

Splash of lemon juice

Pour all the ingredients into a small glass filled with ice. Stir, then strain into two shot glasses.

The Cocktail Guide To The Galaxy is out today, September 26, from St. Martin’s Press; you can order it here.

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