Rebel Wilson opens up about her experiences with sexual harassment

Women in the entertainment industry have been coming forward—on a practically daily basis—ever since the Harvey Weinstein allegations broke, talking about their experiences of the sexual harassment, abuse, and assault they’ve been subjected to over the years by their male employers and co-workers, as punishment for the horrifying crime of attempting to live their lives and have a career. Now, Pitch Perfect actress Rebel Wilson has added her own story to the raging bonfire of indignation and anger, hopping on Twitter this morning to recount two separate instances in which male colleagues crossed boundaries in their behavior.

Wilson doesn’t mention anyone by name, but recounts a story in which a “male star in a position of power” asked her to join him in a room, where he then repeatedly requested that she “stick my finger up his ass” while his friends laughed and filmed it. In the other incident, Wilson describes a male director she thought she was meeting with on a professional basis, but who turned out to have ulterior motives—a common story by now, as it becomes increasingly clear how many powerful men have used “meetings” and “auditions” as a pretext to get hopeful actresses alone.

Wilson finished her account with a message of solidarity to other women and men who’ve been harassed or worse, and a statement that she was finished being “polite” about such incidents when they occur.

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