Case against Ricky Martin dismissed after nephew withdraws harassment claims

Martin wished his accuser the best in video released after the Thursday court hearing

Case against Ricky Martin dismissed after nephew withdraws harassment claims
Ricky Martin Photo: Michael Loccisano

A temporary restraining order against Ricky Martin was dropped after his nephew withdrew the harassment claims during a court appearance on Thursday, according to Variety. The 21-year-old had shockingly claimed to have had an affair with his uncle and filed a request for a protective order under Puerto Rico’s domestic abuse law.

Following the dismissal, Martin’s attorneys Joaquín Monserrate Matienzo, Carmelo Dávila and Harry Massanet Pastrana released a statement saying, “Just as we had anticipated, the temporary protection order was not extended by the Court. The accuser confirmed to the court that his decision to dismiss the matter was his alone, without any outside influence or pressure, and the accuser confirmed he was satisfied with his legal representation in the matter.”

According to Variety, the statement continued, “The request came from the accuser asking to dismiss the case. This was never anything more than a troubled individual making false allegations with absolutely nothing to substantiate them. We are glad that our client saw justice done and can now move forward with his life and his career.”

In video obtained by TMZ, the singer addressed the recent turmoil, saying, “I’m in front of the cameras today because I really need to talk in order for me to start my healing process. For two weeks, I was not allowed to defend myself because I was following a procedure where the law obligated me not to talk until I was in front of a judge.”

“Thank God [these] claims were proven to be false, but I’m going to tell you the truth. It has been so painful. It has been devastating for me, for my family, for my friends. I don’t wish this upon anybody,” he continued. “To the person that was claiming this nonsense, I wish him the best. And I wish he finds the help so he can start a new life filled with love and truth and joy and he doesn’t hurt anybody else. Now, my priority is to heal. And how do I heal? With music. I cannot wait to be back on stage. I cannot wait to be back in front of the cameras, and entertain, which is what I do best.”

He concluded: “Thank you to all of my friends. Thank you to all the fans who always believed in me. You have no idea the strength that you gave me with every comment you wrote on social media. I wish you love and light and here we come, with the same strength and passion. God bless you all.”

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