Seth Green reportedly reunited with his expensive monkey picture

Green has reported that his stolen NFT, "Fred Simian," is back in what we technically have to call his "possession"

Seth Green reportedly reunited with his expensive monkey picture
Seth Green Photo: Jean Baptiste Lacroix

America may breathe a weary sigh of relief at last tonight, the weight of the world finally lifting from its broken and sorrowful shoulders: Seth Green has apparently been reunited with his very expensive picture of a monkey.

This is per Buzzfeed News, which reports that Green has confirmed that he’s once again taken possession of “Fred Simian,” an NFT minted by Bored Ape that was apparently the crown jewel of Green’s monkey picture collection, to the extent that he was planning on developing a new TV series with Fred as a major character. Said plans were imperiled, though, when scoundrels—dastards! assholes!—apparently stole Fred (along with three other NFTs) from Green in a phishing scheme a few weeks ago.

Green—who has been very vocal about his desire to reclaim his let’s call it for the sake of argument “property”—confirmed during a Twitter Spaces session tonight that he’s regained control of the NFT in question, which presumably means White Horse Tavern, in which the character would “play” a bartender, can now go forward. (Provided any distributor or network would be willing to go forward with a project whose star is so, for lack of a better word, “kidnappable.”)

Buzzfeed News also reports, though, how much Green may have paid to reclaim the NFT, laying out a series of transactions that suggest the Green may ultimately have spent as much as $300,000 to get the Ape back. Which is, among other things, reportedly $100,000 more than the amount the person who somehow got possession of the NFT spent on it themselves. So, you know: Nice work if you can get it, we guess.

Anyway, there you have it: The beautiful forces of the blockchain-powered market, doing exactly what they’re designed to do. We can’t imagine why anyone would suggest that NFTs are some sort of elaborate shell game designed to fleece people out of their cash. The very idea is absurd! Nobody tell Anthony Hopkins about all this!

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