Seth Rogen boycotts SiriusXM for supporting Steve Bannon

Earlier this week, SiriusXM announced that it was reuniting with its old buddy Steve Bannon, who departed his spot hosting the company’s Breitbart News Daily a few years ago when he was called up to the major leagues of political evil, courtesy of Donald Trump. Now Bannon is back, ensuring that no important issues in the American political landscape will go un-snidely bloviated at.

Unfortunately, not everyone was as moved as we were by this tender reunion between a festering cyst of cynical political gamesmanship, and the radio network that profits from his endlessly disingenuous views; actor and producer Seth Rogen tweeted earlier today that he’d canceled several interviews with Sirius shows this week, owing to the company’s support of Bannon. (Or in the words of Brietbart’s own sneering, shitty headline: “Seth Rogen Backs Out Of SiriusXM Interviews After Being Triggered By Steve Bannon.”)

A few other folks, mostly non-celebrities, followed suit today, also canceling their SiriusXM appearances. We can’t imagine it’ll have any major effect on the radio company’s management, though; after all, radio has always been a stronghold for conservatives holding forth, and we doubt there are enough Preacher fans in its audience to counter that long-established effect.

[via Entertainment Weekly]

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