
"He's the maaaaan / Who falls from the skyyyyy / Skyfaaaaall / Do not ask him to be in the skyyyy / Because he will only subsequently fall from iiiiit" are not, as far as we know, the lyrics to the new James Bond theme. Indeed, there's still plenty we don't know about Skyfall, thanks to that first (admirably for this age) spoiler-free teaser built around a cryptic word-association game and now this, an Olympics-premiered spot that capitalized on Daniel Craig's brief cameo escorting the Queen onto a helicopter and then kicking her off in midair. This slightly more action-packed preview is similarly big on spectacle, including scenes of someone skyfalling down an elevator shaft, lots of skyfalling cranes and motorcycles, and Craig skyfalling into a half-demolished train car and skyfalling in love during a shower sex scene. Still no real glimpse of Javier Bardem beyond another looming shadow and a quick flash of him firing a gun (Hey, he's blonde!), but surely a more expansive trailer will be skyfalling soon.

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