Snapchat sees its shares tumble after incurring the wrath of Rihanna

As she’s demonstrated time and time again in her music videos, don’t fuck with Rihanna or she will destroy you—or your stock prices, or the case may be. The Los Angeles Times reports that Snapchat shares have fallen nearly 5 percent today after Rihanna called out the Los Angeles-based company, criticizing it for an extremely tasteless ad that asked users if they would rather “Slap Rihanna” or “Punch Chris Brown.”

“You spent money to animate something that would intentionally bring shame to [domestic violence] victims and made a joke of it!!,” she wrote on Instagram, adding that “this isn’t about my personal feelings,” but “all the women, children, and men that have been victims of DV in the past and especially the ones that haven’t made it out yet…you let us down!” (Rihanna was famously the victim of domestic violence in her relationship with Chris Brown; he was sentenced to five years’ probation for one particularly brutal assault in 2009.)

Snapchat has apologized for the ad, saying that it was for a game called “Would You Rather?!” that has since been blocked from Snapchat. “This advertisement is disgusting and never should have appeared on our service,” a spokesperson tells The New York Times. “We are so sorry we made the terrible mistake of allowing it through our review process. We are investigating how that happened so that we can make sure it never happens again.” In February, Snapchat opened up its advertising platform to third parties, who receive little editorial oversight besides a policy prohibiting “shocking, sensational, or disrespectful” content.

Whether Rihanna’s protest against the app’s trivialization of domestic violence will affect the company as much as Kylie Jenner’s tweet that Snapchat sucks now—a statement that resulted in a 7 percent drop in shares—is still being determined.

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