Some guy made a classy commercial for a used '96 Honda Accord

Car commercials are full of shit. They always have been. Time and again, we see cars and trucks coasting on abandoned highways against the setting sun as some deep, sonorous voice farts out buzzwords like “freedom,” “luxury,” and “J.D. Power.” Or, lacking that, they just throw a wine-drunk Matthew McConaughey behind the wheel. Or, when an Oscar winner isn’t available, they just bring in some rubes off the street to ooh and ahh.

The above “commercial” for a 1996 Honda Accord mocks the style of traditional car ads, but it also provides a refreshing reminder that the only thing a car truly needs to do is be drive-able. “A car for people who have life figured out and just need to get somewhere,” it announces. If you’re sold on the car—which is still rolling after 141,095 miles—you can buy it on eBay. It even has a name. “‘Greenie’ is a treasure,” reads the ad copy. “The original paint is in fantastic shape save for a few cosmetic dings (see photos). Drives like a dream. Leather seats are in great condition.” It also has a tape deck, and we’re betting the seller would throw in that sweet adapter if you ask nicely.

How much for the cat, though?

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