Audience behavior reaches possible nadir with a crowd-surfing baby at a Flo Rida concert

Concert behavior has evidently reached a whole new low

Audience behavior reaches possible nadir with a crowd-surfing baby at a Flo Rida concert
Flo Rida Photo: Mickey Bernal

Concerts have become lawless lands wherein you must apparently leave your sanity, physical health, and understanding of the normal conventions of polite society at the door. Why go to a rage room or a batting cage when you can hurl your mother’s ashes, cell phone, or yourself at your favorite artist, probably injuring them and ruining the experience for everyone else all at once? For the simple price of admission, you really can kill multiple birds with one stone—or a sex toy, if you’re so inclined. As long as you don’t throw a drink on Cardi B or take a selfie at a Miranda Lambert show you’re golden. You can even make an infant child crowd-surf if you really want to. Who the hell knows anymore.

Videos of one (presumed) guardian doing just that at a Flo Rida concert from over the weekend went viral today for what are probably obvious reasons. (It’s a baby crowd-surfing. Like a literal, still in diapers, can only say “mama” or “dada” baby.)

In the video, the “Low” rapper beckons the child across a short distance (that would still probably feel pretty damn long if you were only 18-inches tall) from which hundreds of hands pump up and down—all while being held on an audience member’s shoulders himself. Later, the child and his guardian are shown dancing onstage for the hit “GDFR,” during which the man raises the child above his head Lion King-style. The baby, who isn’t wearing headphones or any other kind of protective headgear, obviously has no idea what’s going on throughout this whole ordeal.

Look, no one wants to be the fun police, but you obviously shouldn’t do this (even if it’s been done before). We really shouldn’t even have to say that, but alas… here we are needing to say it anyway. Thankfully nothing seems to have gone wrong in this particular instance, but so many things could have. Someone could have snatched the baby. Someone could have dropped the baby. Flo Rida could have dropped the baby. Someone could have dropped Flo Rida. The list goes on.

The moral of the story here is that if people are going to spend the exorbitant prices required to buy a concert ticket now anyway, it’s hard to understand why anyone wouldn’t want to simply… enjoy the concert. Whether it’s babies, drinks, or whatever else people dream up, if this behavior doesn’t change soon more stars are going to start stepping away from the stage for good. By the time this baby is actually at an appropriate age to crowd-surf, there may be no concerts left for him at all.

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