South Park: The Stick Of Truth breaks the curse of the tie-in video game

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Sam Nelson is back in the Digest co-pilot chair today—and in front of the A.V. Undercover wall’s woolly mammoth—to chat about South Park: The Stick Of Truth. (Joe Keiser previously reviewed Stick on this here website). It was hard to know what to expect from this game, because games based on films and TV shows are almost always disappointing. But this game has been in development for a while, and it has a good pedigree—not only were South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone involved in the development of Stick, but it also comes from Obsidian, the studio responsible for Fallout: New Vegas and Neverwinter Nights 2. As you’ll see in the video, Sam and I believe the influence of talented creators won out over the curse of the tie-in.

For our digestibles this week, we’re having a NUT BUTTER SLAPDOWN. It’s like a smackdown, except more polite. And nuttier. First up is cashew butter, a tub of which looks disturbingly like a freshly packaged brain. We’re spreading the cashew butter on saltines because all those foreigners got upset when I ate Marmite straight out of the jar like a stupid dumb idiot.

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