The Millennium Falcon is based on a stack of dirty dishes, says Joe Johnston

Sometimes not doing your chores can unlock your creativity

The Millennium Falcon is based on a stack of dirty dishes, says Joe Johnston
An original model of the Millennium Falcon Photo: Tristan Fewings

We all know that the Millennium Falcon is a hunk of junk, but what if that’s the point?

Speaking at the Star Wars Celebration Weekend’s Light & Magic panel, Star Wars veteran Joe Johnston revealed that a stack of dirty dishes “that always seemed to be there” inspired the fastest ship in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon.

“There was a ship that was going to be Han Solo’s ship,” Johnston said on stage. “But there was this show called Space 1999 that had a ship that looked like Han Solo’s, and George didn’t want to copy anybody, so he said ‘We need a new ship right away.’”

Unfortunately, for Johnston, who was now under the gun, he would have to use some leftover, already-built pieces, including the Falcon’s iconic satellite dish and cockpit.

“So I was feeling a little pressure and I’m looking around my apartment and Im looking at this stack of dirty dishes,” Johnston explained. “I thought ‘Wow, if I put a plate here and put another plate here, it looks like a flying saucer.’ If you put the engine in the pack it implies it goes this way.”

It still had to pass the Lucas test, though, which is apparently hard to do because “George likes options” and getting him to pick the choice as the artist was a little tricky.

Apparently, he liked everything but the cockpit, which was originally in front. “So I thought what if we put it on the side?” Johnston recalled. “’Yeah, that’s good.’”

So now we welcome “Yeah, that’s good” into the pantheon of great George Lucas notes along with “Faster and more intense.”

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