Stephen Dorff wisely points out that modern superhero movies are “garbage” compared to Blade

"Nobody’s remembering Black Adamat the end of the day," says the Blade villain

Stephen Dorff wisely points out that modern superhero movies are “garbage” compared to Blade
Stephen Dorff Photo: Rich Fury

It’s hard to find an opinion on superhero movies at this point that isn’t very annoying or largely meaningless. People who make superhero movies like making them. People who don’t, don’t. People who like seeing them, see them. People who don’t, don’t. And yet, there is one thing that immediately makes your opinion on superhero movies much more interesting: If you appeared in Blade or Blade II. Those movies are great! Who wouldn’t want to hear from Wesley Snipes about modern superhero movies?

Well, it’s not Wesley Snipes we’re hearing from today, but Stephen Dorff, who played the villain Deacon Frost in director Stephen Norrington’s Blade. As it turns out, he not only doesn’t like modern superhero movies, but he doesn’t really give a shit if people know that he doesn’t like them. And why should he? He was in fucking Blade!

This comes from a chat with The Daily Beast, during which he said that the superhero movies they make these days are “garbage” and “embarrassing,” saying, “god bless them, they’re making a bunch of money, but their movies suck.” He also added, “nobody’s remembering Black Adam at the end of the day. I didn’t even see that movie, it looked so bad.” (Dorff actually brought up Black Adam earlier in the interview as an example of the kind of mainstream projects that get made these days and why he has no interest in in anything but indie movies now, so he’s not just taking a shot at the Rock.)

He also took a shot at Marvel Studios and its inability to get a new Blade movie off the ground, saying, “How’s that PG Blade movie going for you, that can’t get a director?” (It does have a new director, for now.) He theorizes that nobody wants to make it and “be laughed by everyone,” because “we already did it and made it the best.” Now, this may seem kind of mean or overly edgy or whatever, but… where’s the lie? He was in Blade, and the only movie better than Blade is Blade II (though that’s up for debate). Of course, Blade himself has offered an explanation for why Marvel Studios keeps trying to make a new Blade movie…

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