Stranger Things won't return until summer 2019, but it'll be "worth the wait" 

Yesterday, at the Television Critics Association summer press tour, Netflix VP Cindy Holland made, well, a lot of announcements. New shows! New seasons of old shows! No, we’re not saving Timeless! That kind of thing. She also stepped on the hopes of anyone pining for a return trip to Hawkins before the year is out, confirming that, as indicated in that mall ad, Stranger Things won’t return before summer 2019.

Now, don’t be grumpy about this, it sounds like the right call. Asked about the reasons for the long wait, Holland had this to say:

“Well, it’s a handcrafted show. The Duffer Brothers and Shawn Levy have worked really hard, and they understand the stakes are high. They want to deliver something bigger and better than what they did last year. And so they really want to take the time to get it right. I think it’s going to be a fantastic season. It’s going to be worth the wait.

So, hey, let’s make this a glass half-full situation. Plenty of time to re-hang one’s Christmas lights? Months in which to grow out your hair, thus making it possible to rock the Steve Harrington look? A chance to watch one of the many, many other great shows on TV? Perhaps you could start with Killing Eve? Just a suggestion.

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