Finally relatable, Taylor Swift says she’d like to switch places with Guillermo del Toro

“Imagine having that imagination, that visual vocabulary, and that astonishing body of work”

Finally relatable, Taylor Swift says she’d like to switch places with Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del Toro, Taylor Swift, and their toys Photo: Momodu Mansaray (Getty Images)

Taylor Swift is a lot of things: A Grammy winner, a Cat, and a 32-year-old woman that also acted as the straw that broke Ticketmasters’s back. With her legions of fans waiting on her every word, appearance, and song, it’d be a stretch to call her a relatable person. Sure, her songs touch upon the experiences her fanbase is familiar with. However, very few people can relate to the problems of an incredibly wealthy, voice-of-a-generation singer/songwriter. Unless one considers who Taylor Swift looks up to, that is.

Per The Hollywood Reporter (via Uproxx), of all the famous people Taylor Swift would trade places with, Guillermo Del Toro tops her list. “Imagine having that imagination, that visual vocabulary, and that astonishing body of work,” she said of del Toro. “To have such a diverse storytelling range but to somehow put your distinctive artistic fingerprint on every film. And yet, it feels like he’s still so curious and enthusiastic about his work. I can only imagine that a day in his mind would be fascinating.”

She’s not wrong. Though it certainly is a surprising answer from the pop star. Del Toro’s idiosyncratic work, in which adults regularly have sex with Creatures From The Black Lagoon, doesn’t necessarily fit the “Bad Blood” mode. Her pick for the “character she’d most like to be” is perhaps less shocking but as understandable: Arya Stark.

“I realize I don’t know how to use a sword and I’ve never had to rise up from near death to go on an epic revenge mission—but I have been in the music industry for over 15 years, so…”

Is it safe to assume that Taylor Swift has more in common with the epic fantasy heroes that she sees on TV and reads in books? Probably. But still, she wants to be GDT, and anyone could see the value in that. Heck, the guy just made a stop-motion Pinocchio. Who wouldn’t want to be one of the only artists on Earth putting their clout to good use?

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