Terry Crews sues Hollywood agent for sexual assault

Terry Crews has filed a sexual assault lawsuit against Adam Venit, a high-powered Hollywood agent that Crews has repeatedly alleged assaulted him at a party last year. Variety reports that Crews filed the suit against the WME employee earlier today, not long after Venit returned to work at the agency in the wake of a short investigation into his behavior. WME previously represented Crews, but he fired the company shortly after the allegations became public.

Crews first told the story—in which Venit walked up to him at a party, and, unprompted and in front of Crews’ wife, grabbed his genitals—not long after the first Harvey Weinstein allegations broke. The Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor has been extremely open about how much the event upset him, and his belief in the importance that men call each other to account when their behavior is inappropriate. (In the wake of his tale, Crews’ social media has become a frequent recipient for stories of people opening up about their own entertainment-industry assaults.) Here he is describing the incident to his agent at the time:

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