The first set photo from Big Little Lies S2 suggests enemies are now frenemies

The rivalry between Reese Witherspoon’s Madeline and Laura Dern’s Renata in the first season of Big Little Lies can only be described as epic, resulting in rival birthday-party and ice-skating events and public debates over ribald puppetry. But the two did wind up coming together at the end of the season to support Nicole Kidman’s Celeste, in the original mini-series’ perfectly wrapped finale.

But an impressive batch of Emmy wins led Big Little Lies to rise again, drafting Liane Moriarty, the author of the original book, to write more material for a second season. Many of the original cast are back on board, with the significant addition of Meryl Streep as Celeste’s mother-in-law.

As fans of season one anxiously await more BLL, TV Line reports today that thanks to Laura Dern’s Instagram, we now have our first glimpse of Renata and Madeline as they’ll appear in season two:

Let’s wring every possible bit of info that we can out of this single image, shall we? Both women are just as fashionable as before; footwear is significantly on point. Renata’s stylish jacket and Madeline’s familiar cardigan suggest that it’s probably not summer. It looks like wedding rings are still in place, good news for Adam Scott’s Ed and Jeffrey Nordling’s Gordon. And just the fact that Renata and Madeline are sitting down at the same table at the Monterey neighborhood cafe is a huge step. But those expressions: Is hostility brewing as well as the coffee? Is another feud afoot? Knowing these two, we wouldn’t be surprised at all.

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