The Google anti-diversity guy is suing the company for supposedly discriminating against conservative white dudes

You might remember an incident from a few months back, when Google engineer James Damore transformed himself into “former Google engineer James Damore,” using one of the tech giant’s legendarily intuitive interfaces. That is, Damore decided to send a memo to the entire company complaining about its “prejudices against conservative white males,” and promptly got himself fired.

Now he’s back in the headlines, having teamed up with another ousted Google employee to launch a class-action lawsuit against the company for what they’re continuing to call its prejudice against men with “heterodox political views.” According to the 160-odd-page document, Damore is alleging that Google is far more comfortable protecting its female and minority employees than it is with a pissed-off white guy who just wanted everybody to know how dang sick he is of all this damn diversity that’s been going around these days. (Go figure.)

According to Damore’s suit, the company’s various crimes include encouraging managers to hire more women for their departments, maintaining alleged “blacklists” of conservative employees, and banning right-wing figures like Alex Jones from appearing on the company’s campus. (Even though that last one just seems like good safety sense, given what a danger Alex Jones is to the functioning brain cells of everyone he comes into contact with.)

For its part, Google seems perfectly happy to give Damore’s ideas their day in court, presumably because slapping this sort of thing down should be a nice walk in the park compared to the allegations it’s facing from the other side of the ideological aisle, as some of its former female employees accuse it of underpaying them. Re: Damore’s case, Google reportedly told journalists, “We look forward to defending against Mr Damore’s lawsuit in court.”

[via Buzzfeed]

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