The Guardians Of The Galaxy search for the new Thanos in this exclusive

The Guardians Of The Galaxy search for the new Thanos in
this exclusive

Thanos is dead! Long live Thanos! It should surprise no one
that the supervillain’s recent decapitation isn’t the end of his story, and the
new Guardians Of The Galaxy series
reveals that while Thanos’ body may be dead, his consciousness has been transferred
to a new living host. Reuniting frequent collaborators Donny Cates and Geoff
Shaw (The Paybacks, God Country, Thanos), Guardians Of The
assembles a new team of space-faring heroes to hunt down the revived Thanos, but personal relationships complicate their mission. The first issue of
the series brings together nearly every major cosmic character in the Marvel
Universe for the reading of Thanos’ last rites, seemingly killing them all off
when the event is interrupted by Thanos’ old henchmen, the Black Order. The only
survivors are Cosmic Ghost Rider, Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Beta Ray Bill,
who reluctantly unite with Star-Lord and Groot to stop the Black Order and rescue
their probably-not-dead allies.

This exclusive preview of next week’s Guardians Of The Galaxy #2 begins with Peter Quill reaching out to
his ex-fiancée, Kitty Pryde, because he has no one else to turn to. (Coincidentally,
this issue lands in the middle of a tiff
between the actors who play those characters on screen, Chris Pratt and Ellen
Page.) One of Cates’ greatest strengths as a superhero writer is his ability to
use continuity for character development, embracing the past to heighten the
struggles of his heroes in the present. Kitty and Peter don’t have a great relationship,
and having Peter get back in touch indicates just how desperate he is for companionship
after losing the majority of his old team. Kitty sees exactly what he’s trying to
do, though, and refuses to be used as a therapist replacement.

The visuals from Shaw, colorist Marte Gracia, and letterer Cory
Petit balance realistic detail with cosmic superhero spectacle, and the opening
pages of this excerpt highlight the expressive qualities of Shaw’s artwork as
he depicts a despondent Peter. Kitty’s comment about Peter not showering is supported
by Shaw’s greasy, scraggly interpretation, and there are a lot of subtle emotional
moments in this conversation that make the story more personal before it jumps
to the high drama of the Black Order searching for Thanos’ head. Gracia’s
vibrant coloring energizes Shaw’s linework with purple, orange, and blue, taking
advantage of the extraterrestrial landscape to fill the page with bright

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