The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 

So far, much of the advance word on The Hobbit has been sort of a drag: endless reports of production-related misery, mass rejection of Peter Jackson's 48fps technology, the revelation that it will literally be dragged out over three very long films, etc. Even the first trailer was a bit of a downer, seeing as it was mostly ominous mood, looming shadows, and moaning dwarves. So just in time to restore a sense of excitement about what should be a box-office slam-dunk, here's a second trailer reminding you that this is still a story about little people setting off on an adventure, and that this idea is supposed to be inherently fun. And by the looks of things, The Hobbit will have slightly more humor than its predecessors, by simple virtue of the fact that dropping rocks and big-ass monsters on dwarves is never not funny. True, eventually things will get appropriately serious (a reminder offered here by Lord Of The Rings alums Hugo Weaving and Cate Blanchett), but hey, there's still two more movies for that. In the meantime, enjoy all the funny little people running and getting knocked down.

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